Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Recent emphasis in the media upon issues relating to mental health have highlighted for all of us, the pressures that we can encounter in modern life. Employers too are becoming increasingly aware that the stresses and strains of working life can be so significant that individuals suffer long term or permanent mental health problems.
Although many employers offer effective support to colleagues who are experiencing difficulties, it is sadly the case that many employees find themselves struggling and alone. Some employees do not want to admit that they might be struggling. Others may fear that voicing their difficulties will jeopardise their roles.
Individuals who suffer psychological injury, either through overwork or as a result of bullying, may wish to investigate an “occupational stress” claim. The CNCI team at Harrowells have experience at pursing these matters to trial and of resolving them through negotiation. We are able to guide you through the process, gather the detailed evidence required, and absorb the pressures that might ordinarily be associated with litigation.
The CNCI team at Harrowells work closely with the Employment Law team at Harrowells so that Claimants can be properly advised about the options of proceeding through the Employment Tribunal or the Civil Justice System. Our specialist team can advise on the options for funding a claim, including Conditional Fee Agreements.
If you feel that your psychological health has been damaged by the conduct of your employer, and you would like to consider pursuing a claim, then please contact the CNCI team at Harrowells. We will listen to your experiences, talk to you in confidence, and explain your rights and options.