Advising with empathy and experience

Compensation for teenage abuse victim.

A teenager who suffered serious sexual abuse at the hands of a family friend, has recovered a significant award of compensation with the help of the CNCI team. The claimant, who was under ten years of age at the time the abuse first occurred, reported the abuse to her mother a number of years after it began. The assailant was convicted following a Crown Court trial and sentenced to a lengthy period of imprisonment.

Medical evidence revealed that the claimant had developed post traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of the abuse. The significant compensation award reflected the nature of the abuse and its effects. Speaking of the award, Kim Daniells of the CNCI team said,

"this award cannot begin to compensate the claimant for everything she has been through. She has been immensely courageous in reporting the abuse, providing evidence in the criminal case and in pursuing the civil claim. We know too that she has had valuable support from professional agencies and from her family.  We are pleased that the award has enabled the claimant to start making some positive plans for her education and adult life."