Advising with empathy and experience

£3 million award for brain injured woman.

The CNCI team recently concluded a substantial brain injury case on behalf of a young woman who suffered devastating brain injuries as a result of a road traffic accident in Australia. The accident occurred several years ago and was litigated in the Australian Courts with the help of agents.

The Claim was complicated by the fact that the Defendants had made some admissions in respect of liability but contested the value of the claim. They argued that although the Claimant had sustained injuries those injuries had not been permanent or disabling. The Claimant relied on medical experts from a number of fields who confirmed that the Claimant’s significant problems were genuine and entirely related to the injuries sustained in the accident.

The matter settled on the eve of Trial and the Claimant accepted an award of damages equivalent to approximately £3 million.

The Claimant requires ongoing care and support to deal with the aftermath of the accident. She is heavily dependant upon family and carers in order to maintain any quality of life. Kim Daniells of the CNCI team at Harrowells said of the award “Although this seems to be a very significant award the reality is that the Claimant’s care needs are extensive. The award will need to be carefully managed to ensure that it continues to provide the Claimant with the care and support she will require for the rest of her life”.