Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Bradford care home failings.
Three Bradford district care homes have been told to improve after inspections by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The CQC also said that care provider Twenty Four Seven Recruitment (Yorkshire) Limited, Ilkley, was inadequate for safety and being well led.
The company offers care and support services to 112 people in their homes in and around Leeds and has been put into special measures.
The CQC report said: "We found inadequate systems and processes in place to ensure the delivery of high-quality care.
“Care records were not always accurate and complete and did not contain effective information to demonstrate that potential risks to people's health and wellbeing were being fully assessed, monitored or managed."
Hillbro Nursing Home, Baildon, was also found to require improvement after its unannounced inspection. The CQC report says medicines were not consistently well managed and they were not always given at the correct times.
The report added: "Although we found staffing levels were safe in the morning and early afternoon, they were much reduced during the evening and overnight and we concluded it was not sufficient to enable consistently safe care."
Britannia Care Home, Girlington, has been told by the CQC that it also requires improvement after an unannounced inspection this spring.
The home, which had 32 residents and was being renovated, received an inadequate rating for its safety.
The report said: "We found the provider had not taken appropriate action to ensure people’s safety by ensuring the security of the areas being worked on."
Abbeyfield Grove House in Ilkley also requires improvement after an unannounced CQC inspection.
The complex in Riddings Road provides care and support to people in 42 separate flats.
The CQC says that the care was not always safe as newly-appointed staff were allowed to work before all relevant checks had been completed and suitable references received but it was rated as good for its care.