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Nursery nurse thrown off fair ride agrees compensation.


A nursery nurse catapulted from a Hull Fair ride has agreed to a "five-figure" payout for the physical and psychological damage the accident caused.

Jade Harrison, 24, fell from the Airmaxx 360 ride at Hull Fair on 7 October 2019, resulting in a broken jaw and other facial injuries and has now agreed an out-of-court settlement with the ride's insurers.

She said: "I'm a different person now to that one that got on that ride."

Miss Harrison said she had needed psychological support and thousands of pounds worth of dental treatment as a result of the incident.

She added: "Back then I had no fears and I was up for anything but now I am averse to anything that has an element of risk.

"I cannot do simple fun things like jumping off the rocks into the sea on holiday anymore as I wouldn't be able to get past the fear of hitting a rock. That is how my mindset has changed."

Describing a family trip to Skegness, Miss Harrison said: "I couldn't go on any rides. Some of my family went on them, but I didn't want them to. I couldn't even watch."

Insurers acting on behalf of Taylor's Funfairs, owners of the Airmaxx 360 ride, admitted liability for the accident and injuries caused.

In spite of the trauma, Miss Harrison said she no longer suffers from anxiety. ”In the weeks after my accident I was struggling and really anxious. I'd have nightmares many nights and wake up in a state of panic, but over time that went away.

"When Hull Fair was on last year I just avoided it. I had to drive by it a couple of times and made sure I didn't look.