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Nurse sentenced for rapes.


A nurse who filmed himself raping two patients while they were unconscious in A&E has been jailed for 18 years.

Andrew Hutchinson, 29, raped the women, aged 18 and 35, after they were brought into the John Radcliffe hospital, Oxford, where he worked, after drinking too much alcohol on a night out. The attacks took place in curtained-off booths with colleagues just metres away.

In another incident at the hospital, Hutchinson filmed up a woman’s skirt as his colleagues tried to save her friend.

He also recorded himself sexually assaulting two other unconscious women while volunteering in the medical tent at a music festival, Oxford Crown Court heard.

The nurse’s crimes came to light after he was arrested for voyeurism having been caught filming girls as young as nine at a leisure centre in Oxfordshire.

Police searched his home and found footage of the sex attacks on his phone and computer.

The court heard that hundreds of other voyeuristic pictures were found of women it had been impossible to trace, including ‘up-skirt’ shots taken on the tube while Hutchinson was working as a volunteer at the London 2012 Olympics.

Police said they had traced all the victims they could identify but asked anyone else with concerns to contact them.

Hutchinson, from Garford, Oxfordshire, admitted 27 charges of rape, sexual assault, voyeurism, outraging public decency, making indecent images of children, theft of medical equipment and theft/possession of ketamine.

The court was told he had no previous convictions of any kind and was thought to be a reliable and diligent medic.

Oxford recorder, Judge Ian Pringle QC, told Hutchinson, who sat with his head bowed throughout the hearing, that his crimes were “despicable”.

He said: “When they [his victims] were unconscious requiring your help and your assistance as their nurse, you raped them and filmed it. It is impossible to conceive of a greater breach of trust in our society than that.”

His victims were unaware of what he had done until detectives traced them.

It has also emerged that a student nurse claimed Hutchinson had behaved inappropriately towards her in 2009. Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust investigated the allegation, but it was not substantiated and not passed on to police. The trust is reviewing its procedures to establish whether more could have been done to stop Hutchinson.

The trust said that since his arrest, Hutchinson had not worked there and was no longer employed.