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Woman found under coat in A&E died days afterwards


An investigation has been launched into the death of a mother-of-two who became unconscious while waiting in an accident and emergency (A&E) unit.

The woman was found in a chair underneath her coat on 19 January at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham.

It is understood the woman, 39, who was triaged on arrival complaining of a headache, waited for more than seven hours to be seen by a doctor.

She died of a brain haemorrhage two days later.

The BBC said that it understood that the woman was observed by nurses but had not been seen by a doctor.  It is also believed that she was found by staff when her name was eventually called out to see a doctor and she did not respond. She died while in intensive care.

Medical director at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, Dr Keith Girling, said: "I offer my sincere condolences to the family at this difficult time. An investigation, which will involve the family, will now take place and until this has been concluded, we are unable to comment further."

Depending on the outcome of the review, the case could be escalated to an external independent investigation. The coroner has been informed.