Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Year long wait for surgery.
A year long wait for surgery has brought a Llangennech resident to tears.
Chris Jenkins broke his wrist in a fall in September 2011 and was treated at Prince Phillip Hospital where his wrist was put in a plaster cast. A year on and Mr Jenkins has been unable to get a date for the vital surgery he needs to recover.
He explains that he ends up in tears two or three times a day and states simple tasks such as writing and walking the dog are impossible due to the pain in his wrist and that that further delays means he cannot return to work and will have to live on sickness benefits.
Mr Jenkins who is soon to become a father states “My girlfriend is 18 weeks pregnant and I’m afraid to pick up the baby when it is born in case I drop it.”
His family has also raised concerns, his mother in law, Paula Howard said the injuries were “…getting to him emotionally and physically…He can’t do anything”
A Hywel Dda spokeswoman commented “regrettably within orthopaedics some patients are currently waiting longer than we expect for treatment but every effort is being made to ensure they are seen as soon as possible.”
Gemma Lawn of the CNCI team said “Pressures within the NHS are having an impact upon waiting times for treatment. Sadly, in cases such as this, the effect of delays is to cause profound suffering and potentially compromise recovery”