Clinical Negligence & Catastrophic Injury Solicitors
Claims for mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer affecting the pleura (lining of the lungs) and the peritoneum (the lining surrounding the lower digestive tract). Mesothelioma tends to be aggressive and is very difficult to treat. It has been known for many years that even modest exposure to asbestos can trigger the condition.
Mesothelioma can develop as late as 30-50 years after exposure to asbestos. Many individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma today were exposed in the latter part of the 20th Century before the use of asbestos was abandoned. Sadly the number of deaths from mesothelioma continues to increase and may not peak until 2038.
Mesothelioma is invariably a devastating diagnosis. Those affected may need specialist advice on entitlement to compensation and benefits. Claims arising from mesothelioma can be complex and need to be processed swiftly.
We have specialist lawyers with many years experience in this field. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed and need advice, please contact us.